Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

how to lighten the clutch

what should be done so that the motorcycle clutch feels light and comfortable? There are tricks you can do to lighten the clutch, ie by adding a small tool called tul. This tool is the price is quite affordable. Later setut clutch lever is located on the right gear box. With this lever setut original length increases, so the burden becomes lighter. If it is cold, loosen the clutch on the right crankcase using the wrench 14. Remove the retaining coupling. Pengenteng Slip clutch to clutch lever setut. Then press plate peringan clamp using pliers. After that just plug and close the bolt with a wrench and ring 8. Slide the retaining wire clutch again, then reset the clutch. If you've done these steps, undoubtedly coupling becomes lighter.